Thursday, July 07, 2005


At least it prompted me to finally phone home.

P.S. I hope everyone wishes a happy birthday to Zulu.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Born in the BDR

Behold the almighty blog. Cower before it and marvel at its might and majesty.

In the last week there have been a whole load of 'meetings' about how to do various things, lots of free time to play water polo and the occasional evening activity such as last night's tug-of-war in which there were about 10 different match-ups of various groups, such as girls divisions versus the oppostite boys division. I sat out of just one. Despite wearing the compulsory socks (!) I still have blistered hands. Oops.

I'm with the Rangers which is 8-9 year olds, in Blackfoot 'bunk' (cabin). There are about 18 cabins, of which we're the third, because there's a reception-type bunk for the tiny ones and then alphabetically ordered ones named after Indian tribes: Apache, Blackfoot, Commanche, Delaware, etc.

Now, as promised, the long-awaited pictures. They've been ready for about 3 days now, I just haven't had the time to write the accompanying text. Apologies for the lack of ability to rotate them.

First, the guys from my hotel room outside New York after the flight:

Ben and Phil from Westmont and Random Guy from Camp Equinunk, which we play at sports.

Now my awesome tan after the first day:

A very fetching shade of pink

Three more counselors, Claire, Zack and Liz, in the camp canteen (like a house common room with a tuck shop):

The earthquake damage was quite severe

Me in the transport for the big day off during orientation week:

MTV should pimp my ride

One side of the huge supermarket sized t-shirt (and similar) shop in Scranton, where everything was $6:

$5.98 is about 350p (no pound signs on US keyboards)

The spoils of war (not including the present for each sister):

The best one is bottom left: "Rub my belly for good luck"

I wrote most of that on or before the 27th of June. The kids arrived on the 28th and it's been manic since. Anothe update will cover the week since then.